Frederick County
Home Menu2030 Comprehensive Plan
The 2030 Comprehensive Plan is intended to be based upon, and framed around, a set of Core Covenants. On December 9, 2009, the Frederick County Board of Supervisors adopted a Vision Statement and crafted and adopted a set of Core Values. The final version of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan reflects the Vision Statement and Core Values of the Board of Supervisors and promotes a positive community message that comprehensively addresses the future of the County and its citizens.
2030 Comprehensive Plan
- Download Frederick County 2030 Comprehensive Plan - Final Compilation
Appendix I - Area Plans (maps)
- Download Appendix I - Area Plans (maps)
Appendix II - Background Analysis & Supporting Studies
Amendments Since 2012
4th High School SWSA Amendment
Middletown/Lord Fairfax SWSA Amendment
Senseny Eastern Frederick Amendment
Urban Areas - UDA Centers Amendment
- Go to Map Central for 2030 Comp Plan maps
- Archived Comp Plans