Frederick County
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Election Day
General Elections are held the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. Polling Places open at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. There are 6 Magisterial Districts with 29 Precincts and 21 Polling Places in Frederick County.
Polling Place Lines and You
Lines are inevitable. Local Electoral Boards and General Registrars have taken and are taking actions to minimize the causes of long lines that are under their control - increasing and improving training of Officers of Election, using new electronic poll books to create quicker voter check-in and placing more voting privacy booths in each precinct than is required by the Code of Virginia. While these actions will go a long way toward alleviating some of the problems, they all come at an increased cost and are only a minor fraction of what can be accomplished if everyone gets involved, including YOU.
Know Before You Go
Check your Voter Registration Information Notification letter to determine your polling place location. Don't have a
Voter Information Notification letter? Call your General Registrar! Assisting lost voters is time-consuming, slows
down the check-in process and creates increased personnel demands on local offices.
Learn about the candidates and issues before Election Day. Asking for this information at the polls creates backups in the lines, and may even create thorny legal issues for the volunteer Officers of Election. This is because Officers of
Election are forbidden by law to provide any information that may influence your vote. An Officer of Election may not even provide something as simple as how to spell a candidate's name. It is the voter's responsibility to become
informed before going to the polls.
Prepare Yourself
Bring an appropriate ID and have it ready to show to the Officer of Election at the poll book when asked.
Digging into your pocket for a wallet or rooting around in a deep purse to try to find your ID slows down the
check-in process and makes those behind you have to wait even longer.
Virginia Election Laws have changed as of 7/1/2020.
Virginia Election Laws require that each voter voting in person to show an appropriate form of Identification.
Acceptable forms of Identification include the following:
- Valid Virginia Driver's License.
- DMV-issued photo identification card.
- Valid United States Passport.
- Valid Employee photo identification card.
- Other government-issued photo ID.
- Valid college or university student photo identification card (issuer must be an institution of higher education located within the U.S.
- Valid Student Photo Identification Card issued by a public or private school located in Virginia.
Voters without a proper form of ID will be required to fill out an ID Confirmation Statement form or vote a Provisional Ballot.
Virginia Laws also require that the voter shall state either orally or in writing their full legal name and current residence address to the Officer of Election at the Voter Qualifying table. The Officer of Election shall repeat the voter's full name, provided by the voter, back to the voter.