Frederick County
Home MenuMobile Food Preparation Vehicle
Vehicle Permit Application
Mobile Food Preparation Vehicles
Mobile Food Preparation Vehicles are defined as vehicles and enclosed trailers able to be occupied by persons during cooking operations that have cooking equipment that utilizes open flames or produces smoke or grease laden vapors for the purpose of preparing and serving food to the public.
The checklist below outlines the safety guidelines and permit application requirements related to Mobile Food Preparation Vehicles conducting business in Frederick County, VA.
Permit Requirements
If your mobile food preparation vehicle meets the criteria as defined above, a valid Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle permit from your local Virginia Fire Marshal's office where your vehicle is registered or from the Virginia State Fire Marshal's Office may be required to operate in Frederick County, VA.
A permit application can be obtained from the Fire Marshal's Office located at 1080 Coverstone Drive, Winchester, VA or by clicking the link above. A new permit application and permit is required for each 12-month period of operation. It is the responsibility of the mobile food preparation vehicle operator to renew the permit.
Inspection Requirements
Inspections will be conducted as part of the initial Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle permit application and then each year the permit is renewed.
The Frederick County Fire Marshal's Office has the right to inspect any Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle operating in Frederick County, VA per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. The Fire Code Official is authorized to conduct such inspections as deemed necessary to determine the extent of compliance with the provisions of the Code. Vendors shall comply with any applicable Frederick County, VA permits and fees.
Questions should be directed to the Fire Marshal's Office at 540-665-6350 during regular office hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm.
Submit Applications
Please complete the application, print when finished, initial and/or sign as required on permit application. Submit application along with payment in cash, check, or money order made payable to Treasurer of Frederick County. We are unable to accept credit cards at this time. Applications made be dropped off at our office or mailed to:
Frederick County Fire and Rescue Department
Office of the Fire Marshal
1080 Coverstone Drive
Winchester, VA 22602