Frederick County
Home MenuAlert Frederick County
Emergency Notification System
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AlertFrederickCounty will be used to provide clear, concise and consistent information regarding events such as chemical spills, severe weather, evacuations, missing persons, terrorist attacks, or any other emergency. The system will allow the county to notify a community or the entire county by identifying an area on a web-based GIS-mapping system. It can reach populations of all sizes with specific, up-to-the-minute messages on what actions to take in case of disaster, even when television, radio and other communications channels are disabled. The system will use the region's 9-1-1 database provided by local telephone companies, and will therefore be able to contact listed and unlisted land lines.
AlertFrederickCounty is a service powered by Hyper-Reach. The County of Frederick and Hyper-Reach take your privacy and security very seriously. A contract is in place that prohibits AlertFrederickCounty contact information from being shared, sold, traded, leased, or loaned to outside parties. Access to citizen contact information by County personnel is limited. Citizen provided contact information transmitted through web-portal is sent over a secure connection.
Hyper-Reach uses multiple physical and virtual layers of firewalls to maintain data security. Data is hosted in state-of-the-art facilities which require keycard and password recognition and are staffed around the clock with full time Hyper-Reach personnel.
Community Alerts:
- Active threat events
- Lost/missing persons
- Evacuation notices
- Shelter-in-place notices
- Wild land fire information
- 9-1-1 failures
- High law enforcement/fire and rescue activity or presence notices
- General “Avoid the area” notices
Residents who do not have internet access or need assistance with registration may call: 540-307-1700.