Frederick County
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Child Protective Services (CPS)
Protects children and youth who have suffered serious harm or are at risk of suffering serious harm by responding to reports of abuse and/or neglect. CPS staff participate in initiating permanency planning in the least restrictive environment for children who are removed from their families. Provides on-going case management services. The ongoing cases will now be referred to as "In-Home services" instead of CPS Ongoing services and is an alignment of CPS Ongoing, Family Preservation and Prevention Services. Family Team Meetings are being held virtually which provides families an opportunity to develop service plans in the safety of their own home during the pandemic. Mandated Reporter Portal
Adult Protective Services (APS)
APS investigates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of adults aged 60 and over and incapacitated adults over 18 years of age and provides services when person are found to be in need of protective services. The goal of APS is to protect a vulnerable adult’s life, health and property without a loss of liberty. When this is not possible, APS attempts to provide assistance with the least disruption of life style and with full due process, protection and restoration of the person’s liberty in the shortest possible period of time. APS seeks to achieve simultaneously and in order of importance: freedom, safety and minimal disruption of lifestyle and least-restrictive.
Adult Services
The Virginia Department of Social Services Adult Services Program provides case management, assessment and direst services to elderly citizens (age 60+) and to adults with disabilities in the commonwealth.
Foster Care Services for Children
Provides counseling, supervision, and supportive and rehabilitative services to, or on behalf of, children who are committed or entrusted to local boards of social services.
Adoption Services
Provides services and registries to bring together children and families for permanent placements.
Family Preservation and Prevention Services
Protects children and youth who have suffered serious harm or are at risk of suffering serious harm by responding to reports of abuse and/or neglect. CPS staff participate in initiating permanency planning in the least restrictive environment for children who are removed from their families. Provides on-going case management services. The ongoing cases will now be referred to as "In-Home services" instead of CPS Ongoing services and is an alignment of CPS Ongoing, Family Preservation and Prevention Services. Family Team Meetings are being held virtually which provides families an opportunity to develop service plans in the safety of their own home during the pandemic. Mandated Reporter Portal
Adult Protective Services (APS)
APS investigates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of adults aged 60 and over and incapacitated adults over 18 years of age and provides services when person are found to be in need of protective services. The goal of APS is to protect a vulnerable adult’s life, health and property without a loss of liberty. When this is not possible, APS attempts to provide assistance with the least disruption of life style and with full due process, protection and restoration of the person’s liberty in the shortest possible period of time. APS seeks to achieve simultaneously and in order of importance: freedom, safety and minimal disruption of lifestyle and least-restrictive.
Adult Services
The Virginia Department of Social Services Adult Services Program provides case management, assessment and direst services to elderly citizens (age 60+) and to adults with disabilities in the commonwealth.
Foster Care Services for Children
Provides counseling, supervision, and supportive and rehabilitative services to, or on behalf of, children who are committed or entrusted to local boards of social services.
Adoption Services
Provides services and registries to bring together children and families for permanent placements.
Family Preservation and Prevention Services
In 1993, Congress passed and began implementation of a new federal Family Preservation and Family Support Services Program. The program was part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, which established a new subpart 2 to Title IV-B of the Social Security Act. The Act provides services that:
- Promote family strength and stability
- Enhance parental functioning
- Protect children, and
- Assess and make changes in state and local service delivery systems.