Frederick County
Home MenuFinancial Assistance Programs
A goal of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is to reduce hunger and increase food security. The Program permits low-income households to have a more nutritious diet through normal channels of trade by increasing the food purchasing power for eligible households.
SNAP Education and Training Program (SNAP ET)
The SNAP ET program assists SNAP recipients in obtaining employment through participation in work programs, education, and training activities. Clients in this program may participate in job search, job readiness training, education, training which serve to increase and make them more employable. SNAP participants who would like to register voluntarily may do so by requesting through their SNAP case worker.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Provides temporary monthly or one-time cash assistance to eligible families with related children. There are state and federal limits on the number of months assistance can be received.
Website: Assistance
The EA Program assists low-income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy. There are different types of assistance that is offered.
Fuel Assistance - Assistance to Offset Heating Fuel Costs - Applications are accepted from the 2nd Tuesday in October through the 2nd Friday in November. Crisis Assistance - Assistance that applies to Heating Emergencies - Applications are accepted from November 1st through March 15th. Cooling Assistance - Applies to Cooling Utility Bills & Equipment - Applications are accepted June 15th through August 15th. Weatherization Assistance - the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) administers this program. For details visit
Energy Assistance Website:
Auxiliary Grants
Provides income supplements to recipients of SSI and certain other aged, blind, or disabled individuals residing in a licensed assisted living facility or in an approved adult foster home. This assistance is made available through local departments of social services to ensure that adults are able to maintain a standard of living that meets a basic level of need.
Provides payment for health and medical care for people who meet the specified requirements for income and resource limits. All medical services must be provided by Medicaid enrolled providers who bill the program directly for their services. In some instances, a small co-payment is required.
Child Care Assistance
Provides low-income families with the financial resources to find and afford quality childcare. It is child-centered, family-focused services that support the family goals of economic self-sufficiency and child development by providing for the supervision, protections, and well-being of the child while the parent is participating in an approved activity. Childcare services are provided for children who are under 13 years of age and who reside with parent or person standing in loco parentis who is working or attending a job training or educational program.
Virginia Initiative for Employment (VIEW)
The VIEW program provides employment, education, and training services to TANF recipients. VIEW is based on the conviction that all citizens deserve the opportunity to progress to self-sufficiency. Clients in this program may participate in job search, job readiness training, education, training which serve to increase and make them more employable. Supportive services may include child day care, transportation, and medical/dental services.
General Relief - Burial Assistance
Local program that provides burial assistance for eligible individuals. For more information contact Frederick County Department of Social Services – 540-665-5688; 107 N. Kent St., 3rd Floor, Winchester, VA 22601.