Frederick County
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To Report Abuse and/or Neglect
If you have Child or Adult Protective Services Concerns or Complaints you can call 540-665-5688 during normal operating hours, the Hotline number during and after normal operating hours or by clicking the Mandated Reporter Portal link below:
Child Protective Services - 800-552-7096 or Mandated Reporter Portal
Adult Protective Services - 888-832-3858
Linea Directa De Habla Hispana
Los afectados por la violencia que necesitan servicios en español pueden llamar al (888) 969-1825, las 24 horas del día, desde cualquier parte de Virginia. Todos los servicios de Latinos en Virginia Centro de Empoderamiento son gratuitos y confidenciales.
Apply for Benefits Online or By Phone
If you need to apply for Financial Assistance Programs you can apply online through Commonhelp ( or by calling 1-855-635-4370, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
If you have verifications or applications that need to be turned in you can use the following methods:
Email documents to:
Fax eligibility documents to 540-665-5664
Fax services documents to 540-535-2146
During business hours, drop information in the Social Services drop box located in the main lobby that can be found just inside the Kent Street entrance.
Address (Physical and Mailing):
107 N. Kent St., 3rd Floor
Winchester, VA 22601
Phone Number:
(540) 665-5688
Fax Numbers:
Eligibility (540) 665-5664
Services (540) 535-2146
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
ABIERTO: de lunes a viernes de 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Tamara Green, Director
(540) 665-5688 ext. 109
Linda Gibson, Assistant Director
(540) 665-5688 ext. 125