Frederick County
Home MenuChange and Remove Road Names
If the property owner/s of an existing named street wish to have the name either changed or removed, the following must be submitted to the GIS department:
- A letter by a single land owner or developer with absolute control of the roads right of way or a petition signed by all of the landowners with access to the road who are in agreement of the change or removal of the road name (At least 75% of the property owners must be in agreement).
- A detailed map showing the location of the roadway from its origin off a main road to its terminus, with locations of driveways, structures, and properties with access to this road.
- Explanation or reasoning for road name change or removal.
The GIS Department maintains the right to approve or deny any action taken on a street name. Please consult a staff member to inform them of your intentions. This will help to make the process as fluid as possible.
Note: Any previously assigned addresses along the road in question will be changed according to the new street name. |