Frederick County
Home MenuHow to Get an Address
There are two scenarios for assigning addresses:
- A new structure being built in the county.
- An existing structure that does not currently have an address.
The addressing process for new structures is a completely internal process:
- An application for a building permit is submitted to the Frederick County Building Inspections Department.
- A form and copy of the submitted Plat are sent to the GIS Department.
- It is important that the proposed structure location and the location of where the driveway meets the accessing road are clearly marked on the submitted plat. This will allow GIS staff to properly assign the address.
- An E-911 Address Notification form is generated and sent to the current property owner.
If you are unsure of your structure’s address, or believe that it does not have one assigned, please contact the GIS/IT department at (540)-665-5614 to speak with a staff member who will guide you to a solution.