AlertFrederickCounty is a mass notification system used by city and county public safety organizations all over the United States to issue emergency related messages to the residents and businesses. The system has the capacity to send thousands of messages within minutes, via land-line, cell phone, TTY, email or text. Only authorized personnel are allowed access to the system.
How can I sign-up to receive notifications?
If you have a landline (home) phone, your number is already in the database
You can sign-up online by going to the sign-up form on this web site and following the prompts.
Sign-up through the mail by downloading a registration form and mail it to the address listed on the form.
How does AlertFrederickCounty work?
Authorized public safety personnel record a voice, email or text message that is then delivered quickly to individuals in the affected area.
What types of messages will be sent using AlertFrederickCounty?
The primary use of the system will be for disseminating messages pertaining to health, safety or welfare of a community that is being affected by a perceived, emerging or imminent emergency event — including weather alerts.
Is my contact information included in the system database?
AlertFrederickCounty contains residential and commercial landline phone numbers of Frederick County's entire geographic population. In accordance with local regulations, landline numbers were acquired from the local carrier's telephone databases.
It is important and recommended that citizens provide their cell and VoIP phone numbers by registering through the AlertFrederickCounty web portal.
What if I don't have a landline, can the system call my cell phone?
Yes, residents whom have registered their cell phone will receive messages on their cell phone. Since there are many instances when the public may not be at home to receive an emergency message, public safety officials recommend that all residents with a cell phone add their number to the AlertFrederickCounty database.
If I have provided more than one phone number, what number will be called?
If an emergency situation arises that requires a notification to be sent to multiple phone numbers, we will activate the system to place a simultaneous call to all of your numbers.
How does the AlertFrederickCounty system respond to busy signals or no-answer situations?
For busy signals, call waiting or when there is no answer, the call will be repeated several times in an attempt to reach you. If the phone is answered by a message recorder, the message will be left on the answering device. If after several attempts the call does not successfully go through, the system will stop attempting to call.
What precautions are taken to protect personal contact information stored in the AlertFrederickCounty system?
AlertFrederickCounty is a service powered by Hyper-Reach. The County of Frederick and Hyper-Reach take your privacy and security very seriously. A contract is in place that prohibits AlertFrederickCounty contact information from being shared, sold, traded, leased, or loaned to outside parties. Access to citizen contact information by County personnel is limited. Citizen provided contact information transmitted through web-portal is sent over a secure connection.
Hyper-Reach uses multiple physical and virtual layers of firewalls to maintain data security. Data is hosted in state-of-the-art facilities which require keycard and password recognition and are staffed around the clock with full time Hyper-Reach personnel.