• How does a merchant become a registered bidder and/or vendor?

    Bidders List - Register with eVA to receive formal solicitation notices (see Bidder Registration).

    Vendor Registration - Register with Frederick County when/if payment is necessary.

    For more information, contact Missi Neal in the Finance Department.

  • How are merchants notified of purchasing opportunities?

    Informal Procurement - Purchases under $70,000 - no formal notification process.
    • Individual county departmental staff responsible for purchases.
    • Merchants should make contact and establish relationship directly with department. Click here for county department directory.
    Formal Procurement - Purchases $70,000 and greater - Invitation for Bid (IFB) or Request for Proposal (RFP) required.

    For more information, contact Missi Neal, Purchasing Manager in the Finance Department.

  • Where can I find out information about the business license process?

    There is extensive information available on-line, including step-by-step instructions for obtaining a license. For complete business license information click here.
  • What information is required to obtain a business license?

    • Owner(s) name(s)
    • Trade name (Fictitious name filing may be required)
    • Type of Business Entity
    • Name and title of all member of the Business Entity (e.g., officers, partners etc.)
    • Physical address
    • Contact information including: mailing address, email address, phone no., etc.
    • SSN or EIN
    • Estimated gross receipts for the first year
    • Category of Business
    • Date business is starting
    • Approved zoning review form
    • Additional forms are required for contractors

    For complete business license information click here.

  • How can I file business license information?

    • An application is available on-line for completion and submission here.
    • Printable forms can be downloaded from our website and faxed, mailed, or emailed.
    • Come to the Commissioner of the Revenue's office at 107 North Kent St Winchester VA.
  • How long does it take to get a business license?

    A business license can be obtained in the same day, if all documents are presented fully completed and payment is made.
  • How much does a business license cost?

    Gross receipts under $100,000 are assessed a flat rate.

    • $4000 - $14,999 gross receipts: $30.00 fixed fee 
    • $15,000 - $99,999 gross receipts: $50.00 fixed fee

    Gross Receipts of $100,000 or more:

    • Retail: 20¢ per $100
    • Contractor: 16¢ per $100
    • Service: 36¢ per $100
    • Professional Service: 58¢ per $100
    • Wholesale: 5¢ per $100 (Based on gross purchases)
    • Additional flat rates for specific categories
  • How do I renew my local business license?

    We prefer that you file online at www.fcva.us/biztax. It's quick as a click! Business Licenses must be renewed by March 1 and paid for by April 1.
  • What other types of business taxes are there?

    A "short-term rental property tax" is imposed on persons engaged in a short-term rental property business. All those engaged in the business of renting daily rental property are categorized as retail merchants for purposes of a business license tax in Frederick County. A "manufacturer / machinery and tools tax" is imposed on all tangible personal property owned, leased, rented, or borrowed, which was used or available for use in manufacturing which was located in Frederick County as of January 1 of any year. The deadline for filing an annual M&T tax return (Form 762M) is March 1st each year. A "processor tax" is imposed on all tangible personal property owned, leased, rented, or borrowed, which was used or available for use in processing which was located in Frederick County as of January 1 of any year. The deadline for filing an annual Processor tax return (Form 762P) is March 1st each year. See our website for more information regarding these taxes.
  • Does the County have an Appeals Procedure for public procurement actions?

    No; there is no formal process (e.g. described in written Policy/Procedures and approved by the governing body). Generally, any appeals should be directed to the assigned Buyer and/or the Purchasing Agent. County Policy stipulates at §3-19 that:  All decisions by the Purchasing Agent or Board ... are Final.

  • How does the County evaluate proposals, or Request for Proposals (RFP)?

    When competitive negotiation is the method of procurement, the following factors may be considered in determining the most qualified firm or individual:

    • Any special qualifications or requirements set forth in the proposal documents.
    • Qualifications of the project manager and project teams.
    • Overall qualifications and experience of the firm and any subcontractors.
    • Quality of the proposal and its responsiveness to the request.
    • The sufficiency of financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract to provide the services.
    • Financial ability of the firm to perform future maintenance and service.
    • Cost estimates (which may or may not be required at the time of submission of the proposal, depending upon the circumstances).
  • How does the County evaluate sealed bids?

    The following factors may be considered, in addition to price, when determining the lowest responsible bidder and the responsiveness of the bid:

    • The ability, capacity, and skill of the bidder to perform the contract.
    • Whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified.
    • The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the bidder.
    • The quality of performance of previous contracts or services.
    • The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service.
    • The sufficiency of financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service.
    • The quality, availability and adaptability of the goods or services to the particular use required.
    • The ability of the bidder to perform future maintenance and service for use of the subject of the contract.
    • The number and scope of conditions attached to the bid.
    • Any other condition or criteria included in the request for bids or instructions for bidders.
  • What are the competition levels for various purchases?

    $0 up to $4,999.99  Competition is not required, although it is strongly encouraged.
     $5,000 - $9,999.99

    ONE (1) written quote required.

     $10,000 - $99,999.99

    Goods & Non-Professional Services


     $10,000 - $79,999.99

    Professional Services

    (Purchase Order Required)

    The use of eVA is required to publicly post Requests for Quotes, Unsealed Bids, Unsealed Proposals., etc.

    In lieu of eVA, a rideable or cooperative contract is permitted.


    Goods & Non-Professional Services

    IFB - Invitation for Bids



    Professional Services

    RFP - Request for Proposals

    (Purchase Order Required)

     Formally advertised solicitation procedures required (IFB/RFP).  Contact Missi Neal, Purchasing Manager for further guidance.

    FCVA identifies Small purchases as those purchases that are under $100,000 (Good & Non-Professional Services) or $80,000 (Professional Services), where vendors are easy to identify and Departments are able to manage the procurement process internally.  Quotes and/or Purchase Orders may be required.

    Purchases expected to exceed $100,000 (Good & Non-Professional Services) or $80,000 (Professional Services) are formally solicited through either an Invitation for Bid or a Request for Proposal, which shall be posted on eVA a minimum of 10-days.  Per the Virginia Public Procurement Act are: accounting, actuarial services, architecture, dentistry, land surveying, landscape architecture, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, or professional engineering.

  • What is an RFQ and how is it different form other solicitations?

    A Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a less formal means of soliciting goods or services, in writing. Use of an RFQ as the solicitation method means the goods or services are expected to be less than $70,000 (the 'formal' bid threshold for an IFB or RFP). An RFQ is treated much like a formal bid and are not opened by the Buyer until after the specified date/time.