Frederick County Victim Services Program has been assisting victims and witnesses of crime since 1996 and is committed to facilitating the treatment of victims and witnesses with fairness, dignity, and respect.

Understanding the criminal justice process can be very confusing. Our aim is to minimize the many frustrations that are associated with coming to court by providing you with as much information as possible. We understand that the needs of crime victims vary depending on the individual and type of crime, but we will provide the same treatment to all those who are victims and/or witnesses.  

You should contact Victim Services if:

  • You are a senior citizen or handicapped and need assistance getting to court.
  • You need a referral to community service agencies, counseling, or other needs.
  • You need assistance with completing a Victim Impact Statement.
  • You need information about the availability of restitution.
  • You need information concerning personal property held by the police.
  • You need information on qualifying for crime victims’ compensation for personal injuries.
  • You need information regarding parole and prisoner release.
  • You need someone to speak to your employer about your time in court.
  • You need to have questions answered about court or any matter regarding your case.
  • You need to notify us of a change of address or telephone number.
  • If you are threatened
  • If you are threatened by the defendant or anyone else in regard to your testimony you should immediately call the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office at (540) 662-6162 or  911.

Frederick County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office

U-Visa and T-Visa Procedures § 9.1-1501

Effective Date: July 1, 2021

Certifying Official:

Ross Spicer, the Commonwealth’s Attorney, is the designated certifying official who is responsible for responding to requests for completion of certification forms for U-Visa and T-Visa applications.


Any person or representative of a person seeking a U-Visa or T-visa certification must mail or hand deliver a cover letter and request for completion of the certification form to Ross Spicer, Frederick County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, 107 N. Kent Street, Winchester, Virginia 22601. The cover letter must include all requests for expedited completion as outlined in § 9.1-1501 and must establish that the person is eligible for expedited review.

Once the Commonwealth’s Attorney is in possession of the request for completion of the certification, the Commonwealth’s Attorney will give the request to Melissa Rice, Director of Frederick County’s Victim Witness Program.

Upon receipt, Ms. Rice will compile all relevant information in possession of the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, including police reports and warrants of arrest, and will present the information to the Commonwealth’s Attorney.

The Commonwealth’s Attorney will make a certification determination within the time frame allowed under § 9.1-1501, and the office will mail the completed request to the person or representative seeking the request.