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The Children’s Services Act is a Virginia law designed to help at-risk children, youth and their families. (2.2-5200). State and local agencies, parents and private providers work together to plan and provide services and supports. Each community has local teams, referred to as the Community Policy and Management Team (CPMT) and the Family Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT), which decide how to plan and provide services and supports.
CPMT – The Community and Policy Management Team develops local policy, coordinates efforts, manages the availability funds, and sees that eligible youth and their families get help.
FAPT – The Family Assessment and Planning Team reviews the strengths and needs of the youth and family and collaborates to determine the most clinically appropriate and least restrictive services available.
CSA Coordinator – The Children’s Services Act Coordinator is a principal advisor to the (CPMT) and (FAPT) concerning families and youth.
Services under the Children’s Services Act may be available to a child/youth who meets at least one of the following descriptions:
- Requires private placement for special education
- In foster care or are eligible for foster care
- Eligible for services through a Child in Need of Services (CHINS) Parental Agreement
- Have significant emotional and behavioral problems and may require services not available from any agency, require services from multiple agencies, or may be at risk of residential placement.
Eligibility is determined by various laws and by the CPMT. CSA eligibility is also determined by the availability of funds.
Prior to the use of CSA Funds, all other resources and funding streams, including community partners, Medicaid and Private Insurance, must be exhausted.
Any services provided through the CSA process are limited to a short term, planned period of time and availability of funds.
Form name: | Description: |
What Parents Need to Know | This brochure outlines what CSA is all about and how this funding source is used in the community to benefit at risk youth. |
Parent Referral Information |
This document provides information and instructions on how to make a Parental Referral for CSA funded services. |
Parent Referral Form | If your child is not currently involved with Social Services, Court Service Unit, Northwestern CSB, or have a case manager through the public school system, use this form to self-refer your child to the CSA office. |
Authorization to Use and Exchange Information | This form is required in order to consider an individual for services. It provides authorization for the FAPT to review and discuss the case as well as determine eligibility of the individual. The youth must also sign if he/she is 14 years old or older. |
Rights and Safeguards | Information regarding your rights as a consumer of services and the process of appeals. |
Information regarding the assessment of a copayment for community based services. |
DCSE Referral Info | Parental Agreements have DCSE (child support) requirements. This form explains what is financially expected from parents when children are placed via a CSA Parental Agreement. |