Frederick County is pleased to announce that they have been awarded road improvement projects in the upcoming Six Year Improvement Program.
04/28/2022 11:38 AM
04/13/2022 9:16 AM
Ten days of pink and green parties at the top of the Valley
Frederick Entrepreneurs Selected
03/21/2022 6:00 PM
Sponsors & Volunteers: Sign up by March 18, 2022
03/14/2022 10:16 AM
03/01/2022 12:24 PM
02/24/2022 1:56 PM
02/24/2022 1:19 PM
Frederick County's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for the year ending June 30, 2021 have been published.
01/05/2022 3:21 PM
Frederick County Public Safety Communications is proud to announce that on December 8, 2021, Next Generation 9-1-1 went live.
12/08/2021 4:52 PM
The Frederick County Fire and Rescue Department responded to four (4) significant woods fires within three (3) hours of each other.
12/07/2021 4:46 PM
The survey results will inform and guide decision makers as they prioritize transportation related projects for inclusion in the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP).
11/23/2021 1:19 PM
11/08/2021 11:17 AM
At the annual conference of the American Planning Association, Virginia Chapter, Crossover Boulevard was named the 2021 Commonwealth Connectors Transportation Project of the Year.
11/05/2021 8:11 AM
10/28/2021 12:20 PM
The Frederick County Transportation Committee is planning to hold the Sixth Transportation Forum on Tuesday, October 26, 2021.
10/20/2021 11:13 AM
10/18/2021 3:40 PM
10/08/2021 3:01 PM
New traffic pattern in the area of the Opequon Creek bridges on Rt. 522.
10/01/2021 5:00 PM