In recognition of Local Government Education Week here in the Commonwealth, April 1 – 7, Frederick County Government has launched a new public education campaign called “Did You Know?”
04/25/2018 9:32 AM
At the Board of Supervisors Meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 2018, County Administrator Kris Tierney gave a presentation on the Fiscal Year 2019 proposed budget.
03/29/2018 10:10 AM
Did you just move to Frederick County? Did you move out? Do you have a new vehicle? Does your vehicle have high mileage? Read more to find out the steps you need to take.
03/19/2018 3:54 PM
Until further notice, all burning in Frederick County is suspended.
03/15/2018 9:49 AM
02/16/2018 3:47 PM
The financial newsletter presents current information on the finances of Frederick County.
02/05/2018 4:30 PM
Government Finance Officers Association is pleased to announce that Frederick County, Virginia, has received GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its budget.
01/22/2018 4:11 PM
FY 2017 Financial reports are now available for viewing. The CAFR and PAFR provide two different levels of financial detail.
12/27/2017 11:00 AM
Food waste, cardboard boxes, plastic wrap and paper add up, making December 26, the day after Christmas, the busiest day of the year at the county’s nine convenience sites as citizens rush to clear out the holiday clutter before heading out to redeem gift cards.
12/11/2017 4:50 PM
11/17/2017 4:17 PM
Tampering with an electric meter is not only very dangerous and costly, but also against the law, according to Section 18.2-163 of the Code of Virginia.
11/17/2017 12:00 PM
The financial newsletter presents current information on the finances of Frederick County.
11/01/2017 10:00 AM
The Board of Supervisors is looking for people in the Red Bud District to serve.
10/23/2017 11:18 AM
Regarding the incident at Cedar Creek Battlefield on Saturday, October 14, 2017.
10/15/2017 11:32 AM
Health officials have confirmed the presence of rabies in the Mountain Falls Park Subdivision in Frederick County.
09/20/2017 4:02 PM
09/18/2017 9:46 AM
The Frederick County Sheriff’s Office is now accepting applications for their second annual Citizen’s Police Academy.
09/08/2017 3:52 PM
The financial newsletter presents current information on the finances of Frederick County.
09/07/2017 4:45 PM
VPC is a completely independent organization that has no affiliation with the State Board of Elections, Virginia Department of Elections or any of the Voter Registration Offices.
09/07/2017 9:48 AM
Clarke – Frederick – Winchester Foster Families is having an open house.
09/05/2017 12:39 PM