Frederick County
Home MenuChairman at Large - Josh Ludwig

Josh Ludwig
226 Summerfield Drive | Winchester, VA 22602
Phone: 703-955-0750
Email Josh
Josh Ludwig was elected as Chairman at Large in November 2023 and his term runs through December 2027. Prior to the November election, Mr. Ludwig represented the Shawnee Magisterial District.
Mr. Ludwig is serving on the Code & Ordinance Committee; Finance Committee; Human Resources Committee; Technology Committee, Chair; Public Safety Committee; Public Works Committee; Transportation Committee; Joint Finance Committee; Metropolitan Planning Organization; Northwestern Regional Jail Board alternate; and as the Frederick Water Board liaison.
Mr. Ludwig was raised in Kansas City, Missouri and received a Bachelor’s of Engineering degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Missouri – Rolla (now Missouri S&T). He has worked his entire career in Virginia, living in Frederick County since 2013.
Josh, his wife Rani, and their children live in Raven Pointe.