Democratic Party and Republican Party Primaries
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
On Tuesday, June 12, 2018, registered Virginia voters will go to the polls and vote in either the Democratic Party Primary or the Republican Party Primary.
The Democratic Party Primary is countywide in all Precincts for the nominations for Member, House of Representatives, 10th Congressional District.
The Republican Party Primary is countywide in all Precincts for the nomination for Member, U. S. Senate and Member, House of Representatives, 10th Congressional District.
The polls are open from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm. Any registered voter in Virginia may vote.
All voters must declare to the poll book Officers of Election which of the Party Primaries – Democratic or Republican they wish to vote in. Virginia State Election Law 24.2–530 prohibits any voter from voting in more than one Primary on the same day. This declaration must be made before the voter is qualified for their chosen Primary. Virginia State Election Law 24.2–529 does not allow write-ins in Primary elections.
Any one of the following forms of photo identification are acceptable: their valid Virginia driver's license; their valid United States passport; a Voter Photo Identification card issued by the Virginia Department of Elections; any photo identification card issued by a government agency of the United States, the Commonwealth of Virginia or one of its political subdivisions; any valid student identification card issued by any institution of higher education located in the Commonwealth of Virginia; any valid employee identification card containing a photograph of the voter and issued by an employer of the voter in the ordinary course of the employer's business; or a valid Student Photo Identification card issued by a public or private school located in Virginia.
Voters in the correct precinct, who do not have an acceptable form of photo ID, shall be offered a provisional ballot to be able to vote.
The provisional voter will receive a written notice to (i) inform them that a determination of their right to vote shall be made by the electoral board, (ii) advise the voter of the beginning time and place for the board's meeting and of the voter's right to be present at that meeting, and (iii) inform a voter voting provisionally that they need to submit a copy of one of the forms of identification listed above to the electoral board by facsimile, electronic mail, in-person submission, or timely United States Postal Service or commercial mail delivery, to be received by the electoral board no later than noon on the third day after the election, in order for their vote to be counted.
All Candidates for all races are either posted on the Frederick County Voter Registration Website at or on the State Board of Elections Website at
Please contact the State Board of Elections at 1-800-552-9745 if you have any questions regarding these candidates.
Rick Miller
Director of Elections/General Registrar
Frederick County, VA