Since 1984 the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has been presenting localities in North America with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Since fiscal year beginning1986, Frederick County Government has received this award every year!
According to the GFOA’s website, the purpose of the award is “to encourage and assist state and local governments to prepare budget documents of the very highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s best practices on budgeting and then to recognize individual governments that succeed in achieving that goal.”
“Continually receiving this award shows that Frederick County Government adheres to the highest standards in governmental budgeting practices and it is very rewarding to have our hard work recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association,” according to Cheryl Shiffler, Finance Director for Frederick County.
The budget presentation, which must satisfy nationally recognized guidelines, is assessed on how well it serves as: a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communications device.
Brenda Garton, County Administrator, feels the award “shows that Frederick County goes the extra mile in transparency and distinctly demonstrates good stewardship of taxpayer funds by our Board of Supervisors and staff.”
Other awards received by Frederick County include the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award. Frederick County provides a comprehensive listing of all financial reports on their website at