Conservation Easement Authority
The Frederick County Conservation Easement Authority in partnership with the Potomac Conservancy invites the public to attend an evening at a local orchard and cider mill and learn about landowners who have taken a major step in protecting agricultural and forested land in the county.
On Wednesday, September 23 and Wednesday, October 21 at Winchester Cider Works, attendees will enjoy a tour of the orchard, see a short film, and hear from organizations who can tell them how to protect the lands and waters of the Shenandoah Valley.
Winchester Cider Works is located at 2502 North Frederick Pike and the event(s) begin at 6:30 p.m. and finish by 8:30 p.m. Other than a tour of the orchard, attendees will be inside so the event(s) will be held rain or shine.
The Frederick County Conservation Easement Authority (CEA) was established in 2005 to provide a means to assist County landowners in protecting and preserving farm and forest land, open space, scenic vistas, historic sites, water resources and environmentally sensitive lands. The primary method for accomplishing this mission is for the CEA to act as a clearing house for conservation easement information, and to provide guidance to property owners interested in further evaluation of easements. Ultimately, it is the property owner's decision as to whether an easement is right for their long term vision for their landholdings. As of March 2015, there are 8,066 acres in Conservation Easements within the County. For information visit