Parks and Recreation Plans Input Meeting for a Lake Trail at Bowman Library
The Parks and Recreation Department is holding a Public Input Meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 from 6-7 p.m. in the Bowman Library meeting room, 871 Tasker Drive, Stephens City, VA 22655.
According to Jon Turkel, Assistant Director for the department, “The plan for enhancing the property around Bowman Library includes a ½ mile trail circumnavigating the lake. Having a trail near so many Frederick County residents will provide a much needed opportunity for people to be able to get outside, get some fresh air, and enjoy the natural environment.”
The plan area consists of the area around the lake behind Bowman Library, an open area that is mostly flat. A 6’ wide compacted stone surface is envisioned to blend in with the natural landscape. Comments are welcome to determine the final plan outcome.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, please fill out the online form